Hedge Funds way more Dangerous than Storms

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

Don't worry about hurricanes.  Hedge funds buying up farmland all over the world are  way more troublesome than the weather.   You remember hedge funds.  They're some of the folks who brought us the "housing crisis."  These titans of industry are betting that food shortages will mean big profits, and so ...

Here’s a guy who understands how wirele$$ phones work

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

I vote for this guy to be the new CEO -- at least he knows how the network works. [caption id="attachment_310" align="aligncenter" width="540" caption="Verizon CEO elect"][/caption]

Dare to struggle! Dare to win! Let’s fight for the 6 hour day

Saturday, August 20th, 2011

I applaud the valiant effort of the workers who were on strike against Verizon, waging this decisive battle in this period of decaying capitalism.  We had the odds stacks against us: the multi-billions of the corporate class and their bought and paid for mouth pieces in the media. The bosses’ ...

Verizon Strikers return to Work

Saturday, August 20th, 2011

Workers from IBEW and CWA will return to work on Tuesday August 23.  No contract agreement has been reached but the union workers were able to put enough pressure on the corporate flunkies on Verizon's side of the negotiating table to make these  pinheads blink and start talking seriously. Up until ...

Verizon Cuts Off Strikers’ Health Care, as Service Outages Rise

Thursday, August 18th, 2011

Here's the latest article from Labor Notes Verizon Cuts Off Strikers’ Health Care, as Service Outages Rise Noisy picket lines are turning away customers at Verizon’s wireless stores as the largest strike in the country weathered a rainy second week. Some service was disrupted throughout the Northeast though the ...

Verizon Strike Turns Away Customers and Chases Scabs

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

Here's a story from Labor Notes Mischa Gaus August 11, 2011 Verizon’s strike in the Northeast is into Day Five, and big picket lines are turning away customers at Verizon’s wireless stores. Injunctions could threaten one of the union’s most effective tactics, mass picketing at stores. But another—mobile picketing—is causing havoc for ...

Another lie from Verizon Bosses: One Network, Not Two

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

Since the contract negotiations with CWA and IBEW unions started, the corporate mouthpieces from Verizon have been telling many lies as big as Paul Bunyan’s underwear, but the biggest whopper of all is that there are two different networks in the telecom industry, a “wireless” and a “wire line.”  In ...

Support Verizon Strikers: Candlelight Vigil at Lowell’s

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

I doubt this effete elite blue blood wimp will show up, but let's all stop by anyway.  I have to admit a candlelight vigil is pretty lame, but what can you expect from AFL-CIO leadership.  Here's the info from AFL-CIO All of us need to stand together and stand strong ...

The line must be drawn here! Redux!

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

This is a message to Lowell McAdam and the rest of the elite effete execs at Verizon.  Our day is dawning.  The working class will rise and you will be  crushed, then swept into the ash bin of history. As Captain Jean-Luc Picard says in the Star Trek the Next Generation ...

Stop Verizon from Being Awarded a $120 Million Contract with New York City!

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

New Yorkers tax dollars should not go towards union busting or corrupt contracts! Picket and Protest: August 17 @5pm. Outside of the hearing at Murry Bergtraum High School. Details below. On Wednesday, August 17, the Department of Education's Panel for Education Policy will vote on whether to approve a $120 million ...