Monday, August 8th, 2011
New York Working Families Party is circulating a letter for people to sign to support striking Verizon workers. Â To sign it click here.
Despite record profits, Verizon is demanding unprecedented concessions and giveback from its workers. So today, 45,000 Verizon workers are now on strike to stop the attack on ...
Posted in CEO's, Corporate Profits, Strike, unions, verizon | No Comments »
Friday, August 5th, 2011
Most of the propaganda spewing from the various Verizon corporate mouth pieces about the contract dispute centers around the cost of health care. Well if Verizon really cared about the cost of health care it would support a single payer or Medicare for all system like most civilized countries have. ...
Posted in Health Care, Uncategorized, unions, verizon | No Comments »
Friday, August 1st, 2008
As the clock ticks down toward a strike Verizon negotiators continue to claim that the IBEW and CWA unions’ demands are unreasonable, even though Verizon is raking in more money than this time last year. Revenue rose 3.7 percent this quarter totaling $24.12 billion. The communication ...
Posted in CEO's, Corporate Profits, Health Care, Strike, unions, verizon | No Comments »
Monday, March 24th, 2008
The contract between Verizon and the Communication Workers of America (CWA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) that has kept labor peace at the communications giant for the last five years expires in August. The unions represent more than 70,000 workers at Verizon, and even though ...
Posted in CEO's, Corporate Profits, verizon | No Comments »