Union Workers occupy VZW store Roosevelt, Minn.
Posted on October 3rd, 2011 | by A Worker |Fists in the air and voices raised union rebels from the AFL-CIO Nextup11 Young Workers Summit occupied a Verizon Wireless store in Roosevelt, Minn on Saturday.  The militant action which lasted about 45 minutes shocked the store manager.
The workers demanded that Verizon bosses settle the current contract dispute and share the company’s enormous wealth with the working folks from CWA and IBEW who make these profits possible. Chanting “Hey, hey, ho,ho, Union busting has got to go,” as they marched around the store, the Young Turks remained undaunted as they spoke to the VZW workers explaining to them that they should demand union representation in the wireless portion of the company.
Before leaving, they put the telecom giant on notice chanting, “Hey Verizon you can’t hide. We can see your greedy side.”
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