We are “fighting against greed.”
Posted on August 7th, 2011 | by A Worker |At this morning’s Unity at Verizon conference call, IBEW Local 827 President Bill Huber said that company’s plan is to “break the union.”  He said we have to fight the attacks on middle class jobs and that if we stick together, “We can and will prevail.”
Myles Calvey IBEW Local 2222 president reminded listeners to remind the public that Verizon is not a municipality trying to make ends meet with a diminished tax base thanks to Wall Street greed. Verizon is a profitable company that got a $1.2 billion dollar tax rebate. He said we better fight for a good contract because “you will not be working here if you don’t.”
CWA International President Larry Cohen said that we need to get our friends and neighbors into the fight. Help them to see that this is a fight that every working or middle class person needs to support. We are “fighting against greed.”
Black, Latin, Asian, White all us workers must unite!